March 12, 2025
Sell Your House

Want an easy way to invest in your future? Would you like to sell your house and purchase shares in a company that is growing and improving its value? If you answered yes, you are not alone—it’s one of the most popular methods of investing. You can read more here

This guide will provide tips on how people can take advantage of a booming housing market by selling their houses and purchasing shares in companies that are rapidly expanding.

Research the Companies

Before you can even start to consider setting up your investment, it’s important to conduct some basic research on the companies you are considering.

Find a Realtor

There are many ways of finding a realtor, and you may also have your own ideas for finding one. As long as the realtor has experience in locating sellers and buyers—you should be ok. Ask around for recommendations or look online for providers who specialize in this type of work.

Take a Photo Inventory

The first step in selling your house is working out how much it’s worth. One way of doing this is to take a photo inventory of your home. This involves setting up the camera and taking photos of all parts of the home inside and out—the more detailed, the better. You should be able to get this done by a professional photographer in around 4 hours, which will cost between $100-300 depending on where you live—a final figure that you could include in your listing or price to sell.

Sell Your House

List Your Property

When you have your inventory, contact a realtor and set up an appointment for them to view your home. Arrange for them to see the inventory, so that they have a good idea of what you’re selling—a short video or photos are always a great way of presenting information. The agent will take it from there. Remember, if you’re more comfortable with online listings—you can do this yourself. Just make sure that your property is in tip-top condition before doing so

Negotiate on Price

A realtor should be able to advice on what price to ask for your house if they are bringing potential buyers around.

Sign with a Buyer

Once you have found a potential buyer, it’s time to sign on the dotted line. Be sure to talk with your realtor about the offer, and accept or decline it as you see fit. You will probably want to take days or weeks to consider this seriously—remember that there is no rush. The important thing is that you are completely happy with the contract and negotiation before signing.